This site is restricted to reviews collected by the Mackinaw City Chamber of Tourism.

Blue Water Beachfront Hotel: 492 Hotel Reviews

Blue Water Beachfront Hotel Blue Water Beachfront Hotel
 Traveler reviews
909 South Huron
Mackinaw City, MI 49701
Toll-Free: 800-822-8314
64 rooms on property
Hotel Website
FREE Indoor Waterpark
200 feet of sandy, private beach. Campfires on the Beach! One of few hotels in Mackinaw with ALL amenities on site! FREE Wireless Internet in Lobby. All Guestrooms have either King or Queen size beds. We have both Deluxe Beachfront & Economical Non-beachfront Rooms. All Rooms come standard with Refrigerator / Hair Dryers. Lakefront Guestrooms have french door opening onto private balconies with views of the Island, and the bay. Indoor Waterpark on-site.

Incredible view of Mackinac Island

Blue Water Beachfront Hotel is rated 3.8 out of 5 based on the following 492 user reviews from real surveys by real customers that actually stayed at the hotel.

Traveler Reviews

Traveler Reviews (51-100 of 492)

Traveler Reviews (51-100 of 492)
We welcome your reviews. We do have some rules. This site is restricted to reviews that involve the hotel visitors’ experiences from email surveys sent to guests. We verify that the reviewer has stayed at the hotel and any details described before posting the review. Reviews from people whose hotel stays cannot be verified are not posted. We also do not post reviews that include personal attacks, defamatory language or offensive and abusive language. This site is restricted to reviews collected by the Mackinaw City Chamber of Tourism.